Thursday 11 November 2010

Research into Drama Genre

Research into Drama Genre

The drama genre focuses on characters, their relationships and their lives

Drama Films are serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. – Film

I am going to research several short films and feature films in the drama genre.

Short Film - Meeting Life (2006 - Ansom Wong)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Meeting life is a very low budget short film directed by Anson Wong. The main plot is about a boy’s life and how he is trying to search for meaning in his life with the help of his friend.

This theme is similar to the theme that I had planned for my short film. The ending reveals that the main character and his friend are the same person. His friend represents his process of trying to work out the meaning of his life.

Short Film – Fence (Mathew Murdoch)

Fence is about a boy starting at a new school, he decides whether or not he should dig a hole under a fence at his school and leave.

This film first stood out to me because the theme sounded similar to the initial idea of my short film. After watching I realized that it is a very similar concept but in a different setting.

One technique that I am going to make use of in my short film is the contrast between being bound by society's rules and breaking out. This takes place in ‘The Fence’ as before he breaks out of the school all the other children were ignoring him while after he had broken out of the school every child was staring at him. Another contrast is the change from loud noise to silence after the boy had crawled under the fence. This use of contrast can be seen in Levi St narrative theory on binary opposites where he states ‘Narrative tension is based on opposition or conflict.’

1 comment:

  1. Good Ben. I think you mean 'society's rules' rather than 'societies rules'.
