Sunday 31 October 2010

Post Modern Research

Post-Modernism – Research

A post-modern film is one which challenges current views on life and society and may suggest a new way of doing things.

Postmodernist film upsets the mainstream conventions of narrative structure and characterization’. – Wikipedia Postmodernist film

A post-modern film can often go against popular elements from existing films, making the film original. Themes that are often associated with postmodern films include:

· Self-referential and reference to similar films e.g. ‘Scream’ which makes several references to other horror films and the conventions of horror films within the films itself.

· The increase in technology

Drug Usage

· The media

· Violence

· Time travel

· Reality

what is it to be human

I have reviewed several post-modern films, as can be seen below, to increase my knowledge of this genre

DARK CITY (1998 - Alex Proyas)

Dark City is originally a Swedish film directed byAlex Proyas.

Dark city is a post-modern, Sci-fi film. The plot revolves around a man who wakes up with no memory of who he is.

The movie is filmed at night and has a very dark tone to it. To enhance this effect the director has used low key lighting. Shadows are also used very well in this film to create effective visual imagery.

DONNIE DARKO (2002 - Richard Kelly)

Donnie Darko is an independent film directed by Richard Kelly. When released the film didn’t have a high marketing budget and therefore was forced to use word of mouth advertising and other forms of cheap advertising.

Donnie Darko is famous for its soundtrack including the song ‘Mad World’ which illustrates the characters mental state throughout the film. It is also famous for its original post-modern content about the workings of the mind and parallel time lines.

Many techniques in the film are original and could be viewed as post-modern including ‘The Bathroom Scene’ where the main male character touches a invisible wall creating a ripple effect. The film also brings up various post-modern attitudes. This can be seen where Donnie Darko questions the authority of a lifestyle preacher

1 comment:

  1. Always quote the name of the film director as well as the year after the film Ben. Don't rely only on Wikipedia for research as this is not always reliable as a source of information.
