Monday 11 October 2010

Evolution of my idea

A few posts back i wrote about the original idea i had for the short film i am going to produce. Since then my ideas have evolved.

Several ideas and techniques used in other short and feature length films have inspired me to use similar techniques in my own short film, this can be seen on other blog posts. I have started thinking more about locations for filming and sticking to my original idea i will need two main locations:
  • A Forrest environment
  • An office environment
A Forrest environment will be easy to find but an office environment will be harder. One idea i came up with was to use camera shots in a certain way to focus mainly on the main character in the short film and not on his surroundings. Another possibility i thought of was using a school classroom to film but i am worried that a school environment will take away from the meaning of the film.

I have also considered how i am going to use Weather to the greatest possible effect when creating my short film. The idea i have come up with is use a contrast of weather in the Forrest scene. What i mean by this, is start the Forrest scene with bright sunny weather and then when main character crosses the line the weather should change to heavy rain. I am also considering that the main male character should look up into the sky and shout out in happiness after he has crossed the line (Similar to the freedom shot in The Shawshank Redemption). I have decided to use rain to represent happiness and freedom while Sun to represent the opposite as i believe this goes against the norms of certain films in which the sun represents happiness.

Similar to the contrast between rain and sun i am also going to use black and white with color. I will use black and white in the office scenes representing Collectivism and then change the black and white to color after the main male character has 'Crossed the line' representing individualism.

After studying more on narrative i have come to the conclusion that my short film will have open structure. I believe that an open ended structure will defiantly suit my film as it leaves the audience thinking about the character and what the future may hold for him. The open ended structure also represents life how it is open for many possibilities.

I have changed my mind of using the ' Older man' character in my short film. I have decided not to use this character as i do not belive i will be able to find an actor of his age to be on my short film.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Ben, but it's important to say where your ideas have come from as much as possible.Always try to link theory to practice where you can. Be careful of using the weather as a main signifier. Students in the past have been seriously delayed waiting for the right weather and they've also had continuity issues!
