Tuesday 23 November 2010

Crossing The Line Synopsis

My short film named 'Crossing The Line' is about an average working man. The character has been influenced by the media his whole life which has forced societies norms and values onto him. Throughout the short film we see quick shots of different forms of media which are repressing the main character.

This man represents the 'Nameless' public who spend their lives working.

In the short film we see the characters struggle to break free from the social norms and values. He achieves this by entering his own mind and crossing a symbolic line which represents a barrier top freedom. After crossing the line the main character realizes what has happened and the world becomes more clear to him.

The end of the film may come as a shock to the audience when the characters new found freedom leads to him falling down a set of stairs. A small twist is the fact that a close up of the man smiling at the start is also at the end after he falls down the stairs. The man is happy even though he is seriously hurt.

My short film is very simple but has a deep meaning behind it which may not be obvious to the audience on first viewing.

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