Tuesday 21 September 2010

Initial Idea

The initial idea for the short film i am creating is a adverage man sitting in an office meeting, he is wearing a suit. He starts slipping in out out of conciseness, when unconscious he sees an old man(Who is about 80) sitting on a bench in a forest area. As he slips into unconsciousness for longer he find himself in the forrest with the old guy. In the centre of the clearing in the forrest is a line made out of sticks and stones. He finds it hard to step over the line but eventually the old man helps him over. The Guy wakes up from his unconscious state and suddenly tears of his suit and leaves the meeting.

Many ideological messages can be interpreted from this short film. The message i intended to portray to the audience is the idea of 'Society' and how the Norms of society affect the way people generally live there lives due to the media's influence. The first thought of a film title is 'Crossing the Line', i have chosen this title as the character literally crosses a line and also metaphorically crosses one in his real life by walking out of his meeting and therefore breaking free from the norms of society.

1 comment:

  1. Avoid slang please - 'guy'. An interesting idea. Be aware that this idea needs to constantly evolve as you encounter further ideas on the course to 'dip into'. How will you use narrative in a creative way in your story for example.
