Wednesday 27 April 2011

FINISHED Film Review

^^^ Click the small image to enlarge it. ^^^

Above is my finished film review which I have created using Microsoft Publisher. I have based the film review on the film 4 review website.


Tuesday 26 April 2011

FINISHED Film Poster

The finished film poster is below.

Click the image to enlarge it.

poster v6

FINISHED Crossing the line

The finished film is below, I have uploaded the film to youtube and then embedded it below using the code provided.

Monday 4 April 2011

Audience Feedback




After uploading my short film to youtube, I received feedback from others who had watched my film. The majority of the comments received said they liked and enjoyed watching crossing the line. Some of the constructive criticism I received told me that the meaning behind the film was often unclear to my audience.

In the second version of Crossing the line I will add in extra scenes which will hopefully makes the media's influence on the plot more clear. I plan to film a new scene to put at the beginning the film where the protagonist 'John' is listening to the news on his car radio. The news broadcaster reports that unemployment is at a new time high.


I placed a link to my short film on my twitter account and asked for anyone watching it to leave feedback. Twitter is a great way to increase the amount of people viewing my short film as knowledge of the film is easily spread from one person to another.