Wednesday 7 July 2010

The making of poster 1

We started by taking two original images that can be seen below.


When taking the photos we concentrated on 3 main aspects. The ISO, aperture and Shutter Speed.

The aperture is the hole in the camera which light travels through. The size of the aperture opening will effect the depth of field of a photograph. A large aperture will produce a short depth of field, while a small apperture will produce a long depth of field.


The most of IMAGE1 (the wall) was kept in the final poster but i used the crop tool to cut out the whole in the wall. I then used the crop tool again to crop the eye out of IMAGE2 and place it in a second layer behind the image of the wall. Once i had the eye in a suitable place behind the wall i started to focus adding a film title and slogan which i decided should be placed directly next to the eye in the centre of the poster to create the most impact and draw the spectators attention to the title and slogan. To create the dark gothic effect on the title to reflect the theme of the movie i used a shadow effect. Afterwards, credits where added at the bottom of the page which gives details of the distributor, producer and other crew involved. The poster so far can be seen below:

After viewing this version we believed that the blank space at the top of the poster made the poster loo
k empty and therefore needed something to fill it and therefore decided to put the names of 3 actors. I put the name of the 3
actors in a red font because it contrasted with the background and made them stand out so the viewer could be drawn to the actors and therefore be drawn towards watching the film. I also decided to add the website address of sony pictures and created an 18+ age rating symbol using a red a white circle as well as text. The poster so far can be seen below:

After viewing this version of the poster i had a few problems with the layout of the poster. An example of this were the names of the actors being different distances away from the side of the poster which made it look unprofessional, this was changed so that the names were equal distances apart from each other.

The last thing that was added was a background effect which gave the wall a purple a green slime type look. Overall this effect gave the poster an investigation mystery feel. The green 'smile' on the wall represents blood being looked in a special investigation light.
The final version of the poster is below: